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  • Lucy Robson

Implementing an ERP system - preparing your business!

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Are you considering implementing an ERP system? If so, you are probably already aware that it is a huge undertaking for any organisation. It will bring massive benefits, however, it can be a daunting prospect and getting your team to adopt and properly use the new system could be a challenge, especially if they're not prepared. Earning your employees’ support is one of the most important success criteria. In this blog, we'll discuss how to prepare your team for implementing an ERP system, to get the most out of your investment.

team with hands in the middle

Communicate the need for ERP: Communicate the advantages of it to the whole team including managers, supervisors and leaders. Explaining how the new software will improve the working day and why the new system is necessary, will help everyone buy into the change. Send out confident messages by conducting meetings, presentations, regular email updates or even one-on-one conversations. Keep everyone involved, informed and clear about the objectives of the ERP system and how they'll benefit the organisation. Resisting change is inherent in us all but the key is - make it POSITIVE!

Provide Training: Most ERP systems are complex and require a certain level of expertise to use efficiently. To ensure your team is prepared, provide them with the necessary training as early as possible. This could be training on the ERP system itself or on related skills such as data management. Involve everyone in navigation training so they become familiar with the look and feel of the software. Make sure the training is provided well in advance of the implementation. Incentivise your team by giving them time out of their working day, (even if it’s just half an hour a week), to explore and play with the software.

Appoint Key Users: Identifying key users from within your team will help a smooth transition to the new ERP system. The aim is that these users should be experienced and have the skills necessary to pass their more detailed training on and support other team members. Key users will also provide feedback on the system and help the implementation team identify issues or areas for improvement.

Define Roles and Responsibilities: Defining roles and responsibilities is crucial for any ERP implementation. Clearly defining who is responsible for what, can help prevent confusion and ensure everyone knows exactly what their contribution will be. These responsibilities should be communicated to the team and documented. Really important - have a clear chain of command and an escalation process for if, or when, issues arise.

Set Expectations Around the Investment in Time: Typically your project team will not be purely dedicated to the ERP implementation and will be juggling it alongside their day job. It is therefore critical that time is managed realistically taking into account the effort that will be required by your team for Workshops, Data Migration, Training and User Acceptance Testing. Again, this is about making it a positive exercise rather than a burden.

Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Once you've implemented your new ERP system, it's a really good idea to monitor and evaluate the progress continually. Set benchmarks and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure success. This will show everyone how the new system is improving workflows, productivity, efficiency and, most importantly their day job.

Meeting Room post-its on white board

The implementation of an ERP system will be equally as exciting as daunting. Prepare your team adequately for the changes it will bring. It cannot be emphasised enough how important it is to have the whole business approaching the new ERP system with enthusiasm! Communicating the need for the system and providing appropriate training, appointing key users, defining roles and responsibilities, making time for the project and monitoring progress will ensure a smooth transition. With these key pointers, your team will be more receptive and better equipped to adopt and use the new system effectively - unleashing its full potential for the benefit of your organisation!

Find out more about implementing a new ERP system click here to contact us now to book a demo of Sage X3.

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